Truth: (Be)Loved

Sometimes God swoops in on me and drops loving-kindness in my life when I need it most. The youth from my church back in Salida sent me a giant bag of candy and a note with lots of encouraging words. It’s been a tough haul this first semester, but this week has been a little more rough than usual. Thank God for people in my life who show me how much I am loved! And thank you to all the people who are continually cheering me on – your words keep me pressing forward towards the goal!

I suppose the truth here is that we are all loved – even in our darkest hours, even when we don’t ‘feel’ it, even when the road is bumpy and rough – we are loved! May we find those people and places of love in our own lives, and may we all live our lives showing others – both friends and strangers – how much we love them!

much love. sheth.

Learn From My Mistakes.

Don’t drink and drive.  No credit cards.  Say no to drugs.  Save sex for marriage.  Don’t work for family.  Keep your heart close.  Wait.  Save money.  Find a hobby.  Don’t hold grudges.  Spend time outside.  Enjoy your family.  Don’t let small things become big things.  Explore.  Play in the dirt.  Love those who need it, and love those who don’t.  Feed the hungry.  Don’t get burdened down with the stuff of life.  Listen to different music.  Don’t stick to one news source.  If you haven’t used it in the past year, get rid of it.  Research.  Smile – a lot.

Make new friends.  Take time off.  It’s okay to get dirty.  Give without expectations.  Eat right.  Ask for help.  Build something.  Learn something new.  Pray.  It’s okay if you’re not who you thought you’d be.  Hug, even if it’s uncomfortable.  Loser is a hurtful word.  You’re right where you’re supposed to be – now go where your heart leads you.  Money isn’t everything.  Drink lots of water.  Read anything.  Call people back, even if you don’t want to.  No one cares if you split your infinitives.  At least give it a try.  If you feel like it, sing out loud.

It’s okay if your expectations are different from other people’s expectations.  Express your opinion.  Laugh.  Go to the mall and watch people.  Tell someone you love them.  Visit an old friend.  Don’t shun your feelings.  It’s okay to say no.  If you think it’s not good for you, it probably isn’t.  Measure twice, cut once…but if you don’t, it’s okay.  Mistakes happen Regrets only hold you back.  It’s fine if you use your fingers to count.  Compliment someone.  PDA’s are okay.  Some people want nothing more than for you to really listen to them.

Eat candy now and then It’s okay to go to the movies alone.  Strike up conversations with strangers.  Help the elderly – you’ll be in their shoes someday.  Speak up for what’s right.  Defend the defenseless.  Don’t stand back and let things happen.  Be a part of something bigger than yourself.  Hope.  The change in your ashtray can buy a meal for someone.  Remember the good.  Forget the bad.

Learn from my mistakes.

.much love. sheth.


There’s a great divide in our country and in our churches – people are being separated from one another based on beliefs, race, monetary status, theological stances, child-rearing, languages.  Democrat, Republican, Tea-Party, Independent, Communist, Green-Party.  Hunting, PETA, vegetarian, vegan, organic.  Pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib.  Serving communion weekly or monthly.  Bible-belt, steel belt, green belt, liberal, conservative, ultra conservative, far left, right, center.  King James, NIV, NKJV, ASV, NLT, ESV, AMP, GNT, TNIV.  Only English, ESL, bi-lingual, native tongue.  Poverty, low-income, middle-class, upper middle-class, upper-class, rich, poor, working poor.  Spanking, time-outs, consequences, free parenting, exploratory.

All these different labels we have placed on ourselves, or had placed on us, have put us all in specific boxes in our country.  Sometimes these boxes make us feel inferior; others make us feel like the dominating population.  The US Declaration says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…”  Something self-evident is apparent without proof or reasoning – we take it as it is.  The authors of the Constitution made a huge leap in saying that everyone is created equal – no longer were there classes of people, no longer were the rich better than the poor, no longer were those in power better than those they ruled over.

Paul, in writing 1 Corinthians, had to really work on a difficult situation involving the church in Corinth – they were divided on a number of issues – worldly vs. biblical living, Jews vs. Gentiles, how to worship, how to love, etc.  Paul flat out tells the Corinthian church:

“But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.  If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.”  1 Cor 12:24b – 26

He’s basically saying that there shouldn’t be any dissection in the church – everyone should be equal with one another.  The poor, the rich, the Jew, the Gentile – if they are joined by God then nothing should separate them from one another.  Especially worldly things like money or class or race or career or languages.

Sometimes I look at our country, and our church, and I see such a huge division among the people.  Everyone thinks their ideas and thoughts and beliefs are right, and to hell with those who don’t have the same thoughts or beliefs.  The Constitution and the Bible call us to treat everyone with respect and equality.  There’s no need for hate or discontent based on beliefs.  Certainly we don’t have to agree with other people’s thoughts, ideas, or beliefs, but we shouldn’t cause such a division within our churches or our country to where one group feels excluded from the grand scheme of things.

Our country is a huge group of Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, Gnostics, Asians, whites, Africans, Indians, natives and immigrants, poor, and rich.  And every one of these groups are Americans, created equally and having the right to live here.  Just as those who read the NKJV, the NIV, the Message or are Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Church of Christ, Disciple of Christ, Presbyterian, Catholic, believe in Pre-Trib or Post-Trib or Mid-Trib or believe in total immersion or sprinkling are all Christians.

Less division.  More addition.

much love. sheth.

Love Poems & Recycling.

This past weekend I went through my file box – it’s one of those things you get when you grow up and have to save papers.  There’s the usual important stuff – bank statements (I signed up for them to be emailed to me, but they’re still mailing them), pay stubs, tax forms, etc.  Some added stuff in mine include my divorce junk, old awards from high school, ACT scores, woodworking plans, college and high school papers, notes, ideas, thoughts, the beginnings of stories, bad poems, and parts of journals.

I went through the file box mainly to get rid of all the stuff I’d written over the years.  I must have started and quit journaling a dozen times in the past ten years.  They were kind of happy, but mostly sad because that’s when I tend to journal the most.  I have a hard time writing down, “I had a good day today!”.  It seems like it was much easier for me to write about the misery and hopelessness than it does the joy.

And the journal entries were mainly about three things: God, self-confidence, and girls.  These are the things that I struggled with all through high school and college (each and every time I went).  It was kind of sad in a way to look at what I wrote and how hopeless I was feeling at the time.  Granted, I still get those feelings now, but I’m more mature (haha).

I found stuff I had written about my first ‘girlfriend’ – we didn’t actually date more than once or twice, but she was the first one I kissed so I was a bit overwhelmed with feelings for her.  They were poems and notes never given expressing my uneducated feeling of love to her.  I found other stuff I had written about and for a girl I met in college that I fell head over heels for, only to have my feelings put in check quickly.  I found love poems for a girl I thought I was destined to be married to – but was told that I wasn’t good enough for her.

And I don’t know why I kept all these notes and poems and writings laying around.  I couldn’t in good conscience dig through them and give one to a new girlfriend.  They served a purpose for their time, but they are no longer needed.  Like a rotary phone, they were good once, but now they’re just old news.  Depressing news, really.  I couldn’t believe that I was hanging on to bits of memories of people who rejected me, turned me down, and used me.  Was I hoping that someday they would all come back to me, saying, “We were all wrong! Take us back!”?  Was I wanting to recall the good times by looking at the bad things that I could remember?

I put the bag of papers in the trash – I kept my school reports and papers because I spent A LOT of time on those and I’m not ready to just toss those.  But the notes, the love poems, the pages and pages of letters expressing my undying love for girls who have long since gone?  They’re making their way to the bottom of the landfill, and my memories of those who they were for are making their way there, too.

much love. sheth.