I started writing these posts about truth on Tuesdays…it has a nice ring to it: Truth Tuesday. In the fall of 2017 I moved to Austin, TX to attend seminary and I wanted to break down a bit of a wall that I had between myself and my classmates, family, and friends. Social media can make us into the people we want to be – it doesn’t necessarily show who we truly are beyond the pictures, beyond the nice quotes, beyond the funny posts. Rarely does social media show our true selves to the world.
Truth Tuesday is my little attempt at showing the world me. All my messiness, all my faults, all my fears. It’s daunting, terrifying, and sometimes a challenge to lay myself bare to the world. But it’s worth it to show the person I am, the person my Creator made me, and to hopefully encourage others to be open to the world as well.
much love. sheth.