Out of character, I’ve been pretty defensive lately, keeping my guard up with the people around me. Part of it is because
Truth: Prayer Practice
As a child, when I would visit my grandparents on school breaks, there were a few things that I could always count
Truth: Intent
Last night I attended my first last worship service as a seminary student. It was quite the affair as it was the
Truth: Always.
One of the things I’ve learned in seminary (or adjacent to seminary) is to be aware of patterns that occur in life
Truth: Failed Missions.
I spent last week in San Antonio with 31-ish middle school students working to repair homes in the city – it was
Truth: Disappointment.
As a child I received my fair share of spankings. My parents never doled them out in anger and rarely did they
Truth: Hidden.
The church I’m attending is doing a summer series titled “Hidden Figures” – it’s about the small, not-well-known people in the Bible
Truth: Pets.
One of my friends has had to say goodbye of two of her elderly dogs over the past few months, and it’s
Truth: Gossip.
I usually start my favorite conversations with: “Did you hear what happened?!” Immediately following this question I give the scoop – who
Truth: Evil.
I recently finished up my paperwork to move into the next step for ordination. One of the things I had to do
Truth: Great Things
The graduating seniors were recognized at lunch today – it was a moment to laugh, smile, cry, and dream. We watched a
Truth: Knowing Nothing
This morning – at 4:23 am – I finished a paper for one of my classes. Granted, there are three weeks left
Truth: Alcohol.
I was 9 or 10 years old when I first tasted an alcoholic beverage: a sip of my parents’ red wine at
Truth: Miles and Miles
I went for a walk yesterday with Chelsea May, and we managed to cover a little over two miles as we meandered
Truth: Social Media
I am not a good user of Facebook. I don’t often update my photos, and when I do I usually delete the
Truth: Not Enough.
This past week I spent a few days at the Mount Carmel Retreat Center in Dallas, partially for my Spirituality class and