The Postman Always Worries.

I’ve been working for the Post Office for two years – I’ve only stuck with one other job this long.  It’s not that I haven’t liked my other jobs; I’ve just never been in one place that long of a period of time.  It’s been a great 2 years at the post office – I like my co-workers, I love spending time with them talking about their families and learning about their life outside of the building.  I enjoy the camaraderie we have each morning as we all work hard to get out of the office and onto the pavement.

I love my customers and actually look forward to seeing them every day.  I work hard to make sure everyone gets their mail in a timely fashion.  I try to help the older people on my route by taking their mail to their door, or taking their packages inside for them.  I greet everyone with a smile – not because it’s the right thing to do, but because I am actually happy to be doing what I do.

I came into this job after a year and a half of being unemployed.  I spent a year and a half doing odd jobs here and there, but nothing steady enough to pay my bills.  It was scary, disheartening, and emotionally draining on my life.  When I was hired with the Post Office a huge burden was lifted off my shoulders.  And it’s been a great two years since.

I can’t say my work is always sunshine and lollipops – there are days when I think I’m never going to be able to get done.  When I started there were days that I wanted to quit after working 15 hours and delivering mail in the dark.  I get frustrated when things don’t go right, or a package is lost in the system, or a customer’s letter is shredded by the sorting machines.  Because I get the blame.  I take it, too, because I’m usually the only one the customers see and someone has to be apologetic.  But I keep at it because it’s a good place to work.

With the Postmaster’s announcement on February 6th cancelling Saturday delivery, a lot of questions began swirling through my mind.  I’m mainly worried about what’s going to happen to me.  Selfish as it is, it’s still my biggest concern.  Losing Saturday delivery cuts deeply into my paycheck.  It’s difficult not knowing what to do and what should be my next step.  I wonder if I should look for another job, or if I should transfer somewhere else, or if I should just stay where I am and pick up a second job, or just quit everything and move to Mexico.

Life is filled with these choices – some of us live with them coming once in a while, some of us have them coming at us on a daily basis.  It can be scary and unnerving and draining.  As a Christian I am to totally trust that God has it all worked out and that everything is going to turn out well…but I am still scared and worried and unsure.  I know that God has always come through for me, but I still worry because I’m human.  I try to trust, and I pray that God knows what He’s doing, but sometimes I just wonder what He’s doing and whether or not He has me in mind.

I read in Matthew 6 about Jesus preaching on the mountainside, giving all kinds of wisdom and knowledge and sharing how to live a righteous life.  It’s great stuff, really.  Starting at verse 30, Matthew records Jesus’ words as this:

“If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.” –The Message

This is comforting to me in a way, knowing that Jesus understood about worry and the effects it has on our lives.  He knows that life is full of worry and doubt and that it’s not always going to be one great thing after another.  He calls us to do our best in understanding that He has our best in mind.  It may not be easily seen or heard or understood, but He pushes us to keep going, to keep striving to know God and trust that it will all work out.

much love. sheth.